The project “Transition” organized by the Leo Club of University of Colombo is the first project conducted under the Leostic year of 2020/21 which was a virtual leadership conference. It was held on the 6th of June 2020 on a virtual platform via Zoom and Facebook as a timely project which presented the opportunity to the entire community as an always useful and innovative experience. We aimed to create a better platform to develop leadership, knowledge and serve the expertise experiences for the future leaders of our country. There we mainly discussed how to identify and develop one’s hidden potentials, the importance of business etiquette, personality development and how it affects the future growth of people. Also, the importance of identifying the leader within you and how to rise from the ordinary and emerge as a game-changer. As the resource personalities of the program; former CEO of Caltex Dr. Kishu Gomes, Strategy Consultant Dr. Nirmal De Silva and Presidential a...