“Diabcure 4.0”

 “Diabcure 4.0” is a project that was established for the fourth consecutive time by the Leo Club of University with the goal of providing medical assistance the people who have been diagnosed with diabetes and to educate individuals on how to avoid becoming diabetic patients in the future.

Diabetes is a long-term condition marked by high blood sugar levels. Once you're diagnosed with diabetes, you will need to keep a track of your blood sugar levels and control the disease through food and exercises. Many diabetics might not realize they have the disease until their blood sugar levels are checked. So, in order to offer early check-ups, Diabcure team thought of implementing a medical checkup camp as the second phase of Diabcure 4.0 under the name “Suwajeewa”.

So, according to the guidance given by the chief thero of the temple and the contribution council, the programme was held on 5th December 2021 from 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. at Sri Dumindaramaya temple in Negombo. Our team made pre-arrangements a day prior to the programme and we placed two banners at the temple and the Negambo intersection to inform the public about the event. With the welcome speech of the President of the Temple's Contribution Council the medical camp commenced its function. Thereafter, we measured BMI, blood sugar levels, blood pressure levels, along with the vision of the eye and led them to Dr. R. Gobith and Dr. Namal Wijesinghe for further consultations. They examined the patients with the help of a few medical students and nursing sisters. Dr. Gobith offered a quick overview of diabetes, its symptoms and as well as how to start a diet plan and to develop healthy eating habits. The two medical students attended under the supervision of Dr. Namal Wijesinghe to measure blood pressure levels for a research that will contact each patient once a month to inquire about their blood pressure and overall wellness. The announcements made by Dr. Namal Wijesinghe via loudspeakers spread these messages to a large audience.

We were able to provide 15 insulin carriers for people who were already taking insulin and 15 high-quality face shields for patients to ensure their safety while visiting for their medical check-up in the clinics.

The first and the second phases of Diabcure have successfully ended, aiming to provide a further better service through its upcoming third phase.

A world free of diabetes isn’t our fantasy, it’s our promise.”

Written by – Leo Ridmi Senarath


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