All three phases of "Kruthaguna" were done with a huge success

Kruthaguna is the project under the category of Senior Citizens Development. The main aim of this project is to enrich the lives of senior citizens in Sri Lanka by way of developing their mental, physical & social wellbeing. Kruthguna was conducted under 3 phases during the month of December 2019. 

As the 1st phase of the project, elderly in an elder home in Colombo was taken to worship the Temple of Sacred Tooth Relic in Kandy to help them gain mental happiness and spiritual wellness. A dhamma sermon and chanting of pirith was also held to enable them to gain inner peace and mental relaxation. Overall this phase was held successfully which helped the elderly to improve their social interaction, and thus gain happiness by bonding with Loes of University of Colombo.

With the continuous increasing of elderly population, social security needed for them during their retirement life is also important. As a solution for this, under the 2nd phase of Kruthaguna, an awareness program was held at Sri Lanka Telecom Havelock Town to educate the working age population about the importance of starting a retirement plan at a young age. A session on wealth management was also conducted as managing the earned income wisely is very important to live a good retirement life. Overall, main aim of this phase was to ensure people will be financially secured when they retire, and thus need not to either depend on their children or live in an elder home.

The most common challenge faced by the elderly is depreciation of their mental health. Most of elderly suffers from anxiety, depression and dementia. To address this issue, the 3rd phase of Kruthaguna was held by conducting a musical program at Arunodaya elder home in Kalutara, where a lot of elderly is suffering from mental imbalances. This phase helped the elderly to recall their happy memories and regain their mental happiness. We also donated a wheelchair and walking stick to the elderly who are in need of them with the aim of helping them to improve their mobility. This phase was a success as we were able to bring a smile into the faces of the elderly.

Overall project Kruthaguna was able to successfully conclude by enriching the lives of senior citizens of this country by way of improving their mental, physical and social wellbeing.


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