Alert 3.0 අපේක්ෂා

Alert 3.0, අපේක්ෂා was held with the aim of giving the children of the pediatric cancer unit of the Apeksha Hospital,  a different experience apart from their daily routine of treatments and therapies.

Cancer is not just a physical illness, it can have a profound psychological impact and people expect to receive both physical and emotional support when they need it. The researches show that too often people are left in the dark about cancer’s impact on mental health. But if people are given the right support at the right time they would have greater control over their emotional well-being as they go through cancer.

Therefore phase one was executed on 28th of January 2020 at 2.00 pm. First we slightly decorated the auditorium and every child was offered a balloon at the entrance. After welcoming all the children at the hospital, their parents and the club members by the chairperson the event was started. As the first item, our music team played songs for their requests. The children were too exited and a list of requests was presented. After playing all their requests, the magic show was started. The magician had prepared tricks for children, parents and even for the club members. Children actively participated for his tricks and enjoyed the show very much. They were thrilled with the nontraditional and newest tricks of the magician.

A mini game was arranged under the rules and regulations of the medical instructors. After that the musical session was continued further. This time even they also joined with our music team. Finally our team distributed the presents which  we had arranged for them. We could able to give the presents for the in-ward children with the guidance of the medical officers of the Pediatric Cancer Unit.

The Alert 3.0, අපේක්ෂා phase one was successfully concluded with the support of the club members.


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