The Leo Club of University of Colombo hosted a spine-tingling movie night on October 11, 2023. The event known as 'Cinemania' featured the terrifying horror film 'The Nun 2' and the aroma of fresh popcorn wafting through the air, filled with thrills and chills. But this wasn't just an ordinary movie night. This was organized with the aim of raising funds for the upcoming community service projects of UOC Leo Club.

It all began with the idea of organizing a different fundraiser event than traditional ones. Selecting the perfect film for the event was a delightful challenge. We wanted to create an experience that would be memorable for our audience. So, we selected 'NUN 2', a terrifying tale that had our audience gripping their seats in fear. This movie night was held in a university hall with university students as the audience, which was transformed into a ghoulish movie theatre for the evening. Dimmed lights and other decorations created a mysterious and immersive atmosphere that perfectly complemented the horror film.

Of course, no cinematic experience is complete without popcorn. Freshly popped popcorn enhances the cinematic experience. The popcorn stand was a hit, and the proceeds went directly towards the club's fundraising effort.

Cinemania achieved resounding success, combining the excitement of a horror movie. The positive feedback from the viewers serves as the strongest evidence of its success. Attendees left with cherished memories and the knowledge that their contribution would help the various community service projects. The funds raised during the event will go towards supporting the Leo Club's various community service projects and charitable initiatives.

Stay tuned for more creative fundraisers that bring our community together and make a positive impact.

Penned By,

Leo Vinodya Dulanjani. 


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