Diagon Alley

The most awaited and extravagant event of Leo Club of University of Colombo, “Diagon Alley” the Annual Orientation Ceremony for the Leoistic year of 2020/21 was successfully held on the 8th of November via the zoom online platform.

The occasion was even more delighted with the presence of the Chief Guest Past District Governor Lion Dr.Sarath Wijechandra MJF MAF JP, Guest of Honor Leo Samitha Perera, District President of Leo District 306 C1, Special Guests; Award Winning Celebrity CEO Dr.Kishu Gomes, Vice Chancellor of University of Colombo Senior Professor Chandrika N. Wijerathna, Multiple District President Leo Champaka Dammage of Leo Multiple District 306 Sri Lanka. All the Guest Speakers were able to share their insights and experiences with the new members which was able to provide an exceptional opportunity for them to experience the passionate leader within themselves through the Leo movement.

This orientation ceremony was able to rewrite the history of Leo Club of University of Colombo as it marks the highest number of new members so far. The count was more than 500 new members through the Zoom session, Facebook Live and the Website Broadcast.


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