Miles of Smiles 3.0 | Phase 02 | A Project Focused on Spotlight on Children by the Leo Club of University of Colombo ♥

The project, "Miles of Smiles 3.0" is being implemented by Leo Club of University of Colombo with the noble aim of empowering the little ones who are striving to conquer the world in the face of various obstacles.

As our first phase, we executed a social security programme for Isura child development center in Siyabalape and Mawpiya Sevana child development center in Gonapala through Zoom platform, which was successfully concluded on 13th November 2021 with the support of Mrs. H. Renuka Hemamali (Chief Inspector of Women, Officer in Charge of the Women and Children's Bureau in Kalutara). We organized this social security programme to educate those children about society and to pave the way for them to contribute to the betterment of the society as good citizens.

The second phase of this project was launched on Saturday, 4th December 2021 with the objective of empowering sixty-five children with special needs at the Wellassa Saubhagya Orphanage, which is an underprivileged orphanage in Kumbukkana, Monaragala District where majority of the teachers working in this school are also visually and hearing impaired.

As a solution to the problems faced by them due to the shortage of necessities in this COVID-19 pandemic, we donated them dry food, computer hardware, light bulbs, etc. Moreover, we were able to repair the boilers and amplifiers which were in unusable conditions.

We were able to successfully conclude this second phase with the financial assistance provided by Dr. Rakhitha Hettiarachchi, the gifts donations by Velona Cuddles and and all the contributions provided by Leos and non-Leos.

We look forward to execute the third phase of "Miles of Smiles 3.0" which will be a donation program of books and other school equipment to young children who have dropped out of school due to financial difficulties, so they can begin their education in the New Year with fresh hopes.

- Leo Yashoda Lakmini

- Leo Tharushi Navodya

Design - Leo Pasan Gimhana


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