Together as Humans 4 - Forward with Dignity

In Sri Lanka the Universal Free Education Policy was introduced by the government in 1945. It was designed in order to provide free education facilities to all students from Kindergarten to the University Education. Although there are several issues associated with the resources needed to obtain for the purpose of quality education in bucolic areas in Sri Lanka, according to the recent statistics 98.3% of children are enrolled into Primary Education or schooling.  However, it is also acknowledged that some children with particular characteristics are vulnerable to exclusion from school or might be prevented from completing a full basic education of good quality due to poverty & lack of resources. 
Thereby, project “Together as Humans 4.0” was organized and executed under the project category of Quality Education and Literacy as the most awaited project of the year of Leo Club of University of Colombo for the 5th consecutive Leoistic year.
Typically, through this signature project it provides all the necessary books, stationaries and other school related equipment over 200+ primary school children in rural areas across the nation. Adapting to the timely requirements, the project was upgraded with two more additional phases. Through the phase 01 of the project it was implemented two sessions namely as follows,
Session 01 - An Information and Communication Technology course aiming at addressing some identified issues associated with providing a quality ICT education for students in grade 6 to 10. 

Session 02 - A series of Seminar for students who sit for the G.C.E. O/L examination 2020 where it was mainly focused on their essential two core subjects. (English & Mathematics)

As the first session of the phase 01, the Information & Communication Technology course was conducted for 30 selected students in grade 6 to 10 in Ellawala Paranagama Vidyalaya/ Ratnapura and such students were divided in to two separate groups called Group A and B. 
The course was conducted by Mr. Lasitha Bandara, the Former Teaching Assistant of Technical College of Ratnapura. Though the entire ICT program was planned to conduct as a 20 hours program with the prevailing unfortunate situation in the world (Effect of Covid - 19) the planned process were trapped in the middle.
However the course was carried out on 26th of February, 12th of March as 3 hours sessions on each day and 13th of March as 4 hours session for Group A. On 3rd, 4th, and 5th of March 2020 the course was carried out in a continuous basis as 3 hours sessions for Group B. 
Hence, unfortunately it was able to cover up only 10hours for Group A and 9hours for Group B as a whole.

When it comes to the seminar forum for G.C.E. O/L examination 2020, it was conducted in Ellawala Maha Vidalaya/Ratnapura where it was prioritized their two core subjects namely English and Mathematics, though it was planned to conduct such seminar forum targeting at covering their all core subjects such as Science, Mathematics, English, Sinhala, Business and Accounting Studies.

English forum was conducted on 5th of March 2020 and the seminar on Mathematics was conducted on 12th March by two of the university undergraduates from University of Colombo, Ms. L.A.D. Weerasinghe and Mr. S.M.R.S. Samarakkodi respectively.
Both the forums were conducted as 3 hours sessions where a model paper in each subject was discussed and valuable techniques and tools on both areas were explained by the relevant conductor.
Thereby, phase-01 of the project Together as Humans 4 was able to complete up to a certain level in a successful manner. Committee members would like to express their heartfelt gratitude towards everyone who supported to make this event this far.


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