Sindu Nala Raksha 8.0 - Phase 01

 Sindu Nala Raksha 8.0 – Phase 01: Wing Wisdom

      “Nature’s Symphony, Our Responsibility “

Embodying the theme "Nature's Symphony, Our Responsibility", Leo Club of University of Colombo proudly marked the first phase of Project Sindu Nala Raksha 8.0, titled “Wing Wisdom”. This initiative was dedicated to raising awareness about biodiversity conservation, with a special focus on Sri Lanka's native butterfly species at the Open Zoo in Pinnawala. Our goal was to inspire visitors of the zoo to appreciate and protect the rich natural heritage of Sri Lanka.

The atmosphere was electric as project members gathered bright and early, ready to embrace the day with purpose and passion. The event commenced at 9.00 a.m. with enthusiastic members of Leo Club. Our main focus was the Open Zoo, as we raised awareness about Sri Lanka’s native and rare butterfly species. To extend our conservation message beyond the event, we introduced a QR code feature that links to information about Sri Lankan leopards. By scanning the code, visitors can access detailed information on this iconic yet vulnerable species, promoting awareness and encouraging wildlife conservation.

Organizing "Wing Wisdom" required careful planning and dedication. Challenges such as logistical coordination and resource gathering were managed through teamwork and community support. Fundraising through ticket sales and member contributions provided the resources necessary to bring this initiative to life. The Impact of "Wing Wisdom" went beyond just a one -day event. By raising awareness about butterflies and leopards, we celebrated Sri Lanka's unique wildlie and encouraged the community to take action for its preservation. The enthusiastic response from participants affirmed the importance of our effort.

As we successfully conclude the first phase of Sindu Nala Raksha 8.0, we extend our heartfelt thanks to our Club president, vice presidents, and every member of Leo Club of University of Colombo for their unwavering support throughout this journey. As we prepare for the next phases of Sindu Nala Raksha 8.0, we are excited to continue promoting environmental stewardship and biodiversity conservation focusing on wildlife and life below water. Together, let's protect the natural symphony that surrounds us, ensuring Sri Lanka's biodiversity thrives for generations to come.

- By Leo Gimhani Upeksha -


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