“මතින් තොර හෙටක්” - Phase 2 

Step into the world of “මතින් තොර හෙටක්”, a project that brings a glimmer of hope to those who have undergone rehabilitation and are seeking to reintegrate into society. The second phase of this three-phased project, organized by the Leo Club of the University of Colombo, took place on April 26th at the Navajeevana Madhyapa Hada Seva Rehabilitation Center, from 9 am to 11 am.

The guest speaker for this event was the esteemed Mr. N.C.W. Jayasekara. With his vast knowledge and expertise, he delivered a valuable lecture on the ins and outs of starting and running small businesses. It was an enlightening experience for all those in attendance, and Mr. Jayasekara's insights were invaluable to those seeking to re-establish themselves in society.

At the end of the lecture, a small treat was given to the inmates, bringing a smile to their faces. The feedback we received from the inmates was heartening, as they expressed their gratitude for the knowledge and guidance they had received. It was a truly remarkable event that left a lasting impact on all those involved.

“මතින් තොර හෙටක්” is more than just a project; it is a beacon of hope for those who have undergone rehabilitation and are seeking to start anew. With the support of projects like these, we can help individuals regain their confidence and find their footing in society once again.


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