A life hope towards gasping breath
The Alert 5.0 project, organized by the Leo Club of the University of Colombo, which operates under District 306 C1 in Colombo District, is planned to be implemented in three phases, striving to add a sense of purpose to life. Accordingly, with the successful completion of the first phase of the project, 'Prana Suraksha’, the Leo members prepared for the second phase of the project. You all know how tragic childhood cancer is and that it is spreading rapidly in the society at present. The number of childhood cancer patients diagnosed day by day is increasing. The second phase of the project was named 'Apeksha' with the aim of adding another day to the fate of those little flower buds who are the owners of tomorrow. A program to donate toothpaste, face masks and other essential items and to donate essential medicines required for those pediatric wards was held on 23rd December 2021 with the participation of members of the Leo Club of University of Colombo. We ...