DiabCure 3.0 - Phase 2

The phase 2 of the project DiabCure 3.0 was conducted as an awareness session planned for the young community. As a school is undoubtedly the best place to find a community of young children who are the soon-to-be future of our community as well as of the whole country, making them aware of the prevention of a deadly disease like diabetes is a huge step for the elimination of diabetes from our whole community. The school Nawuththuduwa M.V, was picked for the awareness session and the children of the Advanced Level classes were the beneficiaries of this session held on the 23rd of April. It was our main objective to make these children aware of the disease and of the measures on how to prevent it.

After being granted permission from the school and with the support of its very students, everything was arranged and set for the session. The awareness session was conducted in a very interactive manner by Dr. Ranjith Dissanakaya, the Chief Medical Officer at the Katugahahena Divisional Hospital, who was the resource person that supported us throughout this endeavor. With the presence of the Assistant principal of the school and 33 of its Advanced Level students and 6 teachers, the awareness session was two hour long, which made the audience aware of diabetes, how it is caused, its negative effects and most importantly how diabetes should be prevented. The whole program was conducted strictly adhering to all the safety conditions and the health guidelines as with the spreading of COVID-19 pandemic. The session was concluded with the chairperson of the project delivering the vote of thanks. With its successful completion, the phase 2 of the project DiabCure 3.0, came to an end.

Leo Hashini Dilshara,
University of Colombo School of Computing


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