Project “Diyani”

 Project “Diyani” is one of the most outstanding projects organized by Leo Club of University of Colombo under the project category of “Women Empowerment”.

As the Leo movement goes beyond the acronym, “LEO”, we must contribute our best to the society. Therefore, our sole responsibility must be formed upon to uplift the lives of those in need and voice the unheard voices in the society to march forward as the trendsetters in community serving. Accordingly, we conducted the project ‘Diyani” under three phase with the intention of empowering women and girls across the world.

Thereby, we were able to conduct the first phase of the project as a virtual venture on 19th of December 2021 along with the collaboration of prominent women personalities in Sri Lanka who have recognized for their significant contribution to the nation. Afterwards, we were able to conduct the second phase of the project as a one-on-one forum organized for the young female entrepreneurs of Sri Lanka on 13th of February 2021 at the Community Education Center in Malabe. Lastly, we were able to conduct our third phase as an awareness session based on sexual harassment, domestic violence and menstrual hygiene at Maariarawa Secondary School on 19th of April 2021.

Therefore, we would like to convey our special appreciation to the Executive Committee along with the Board of Directors, club members and the organizing committee members of the project “Diyani” for the immeasurable contribution towards the project. This project never would be able to remark a golden milestone in Leoism without the support of the above mentioned main pillars. Thereby, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone for devoting their precious time and illimitable commitment towards the success of this project.


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