
Ever wondered about the idea of true happiness? A bit too philosophical a question for the sake of everyday life but think about it. Every single aspect of human life shows our need to be happy. Happiness is both the drive and end goal of success. At the end of the day, everyone needs to feel happy. It is at the very core of human existence. All we ever want is to be happy But what does it mean to be happy? The tricky thing about happiness is it does not have an exact shape or texture, no one can quite capture or explain the essence of being happy. Happiness is entirely an internal feeling. The state of being optimistic comes from within. It is the ultimate purpose of human life. 

Everyone has their definitions and opinions of happiness. This diversity of opinions makes happiness an interesting concept. In my point of view, happiness is all about freedom, simplicity and acceptance. My most recent happy memory is when I was riding my scooter around the neighbourhood as fast as I could while enjoying the scenery, occasionally stopping to chat with an acquaintance. I remember feeling delighted and free. All I wanted to do was to continue driving till the end of time. Riding my scooter has always been a surreal experience for me. As a person suffering from cerebral palsy, the idea of walking independently without another person by my side seems as almost impossible as flying. So when I discovered my ability to ride a shooter It was unlike anything I have ever experienced. The wind flapping my hair, yards of green paddy fields beside me surrounding the vast sky and to my ultimate pleasure for once in my life I am the one with the direction I did not need anyones assistance. I have never felt so in control of my surroundings before. Even at the very first time with all the initial clumsiness and awkward uneasiness, the act of driving is something so freeing. It is about pushing the limits I have drawn for myself. Thus my idea of happiness can be found in the simple act of driving my scooter because it allows me to accept myself with all my imperfections while at the same time daring me to test my limits because my idea of happiness is making peace with myself.

As you know the very nature of happiness is subjective. This means your happiness depends on yourself; it is a matter of perception. Some might perceive happiness in the entirely materialistic sense while for some it is quite spiritual, some might define success as happiness while others define it as freedom. In truth, happiness can be any of these as long as you are ready to accept that. Moreover, happiness can be found in both momentary pleasures and long-lasting happiness. Either way, true happiness is holistic; it is about finding the right balance in life. Having gratitude for being born a human being, and your ability to show appreciation and return kindness are the qualities of being truly happy with your life, Happiness is a feeling that always lingers in the minds of people people just have to discover it for themselves It is something which is always there but you have to discover, create, and produce happiness within yourself. The formidable characteristic of true happiness is that it can never be stolen for your happiness belongs to you only. However, external factors can affect happiness but it does not depend on them. The bottom line is your happiness is entirely up to you. Nobody can make you happy unless you are ready for it. The key to happiness is always with yourself, the trick is to be brave enough to find it. True happiness comes from the ability to accept yourself.

Sanduni Sachethana Denawaka

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

University of Ruhuna


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