Project Sahurdha Yathra 4.0 Phase 02 

Physical fitness is the foremost requisite to happiness. Adapting to a life with a disability is never easy, support must be lent to cope with limitations, overcome challenges and build up a rewarding life. “Sahurdha Manudhama”, the phase two of the project Sahurdha Yathra 4.0 was an anchor for the children with down syndrome at Diri Daru Piyasa situated in Kindelpitiya and to the whole community. The phase was enriched with 3 segments; a physical fitness session, an art and craft exhibition and a YouTube video series to raise awareness among the community The team Sahurdha Yathra lighted up their lives on 21st of December 2022 and 22nd of December 2022 by encouraging them to outstand with their own capabilities and hidden talents.

The physical fitness session triggered the children at “Diri Daru Piyasa” to accept themselves and drive through their disabilities. The physiotherapy session and the occupational therapy session conducted was a good transition to break through their daily routine and get interacted with people. Remarking the day one, the children were provided with a delightful nutritional meal. The art and craft exhibition was a gateway for the children to showcase their talents to the outer world, it was an income generator for them as they were able to sell their own self made creations and earn money in return to great appreciation, love and compassion.

Stories of people with disabilities who are thriving and living their lives they love is always an inspiration. The YouTube video series was an eye opener for the whole community as it was able to make a change in the attitudes of people towards people with disabilities, it brought up how children with down syndrome still trying to win their future through their own capabilities and talents and involved in creating new things that make them feel good without being a cause for ignorance. The second video was an exposure to the key issues encountered in the society by the disabled community and how we could contribute to support them as responsible citizens. In essence, the practices conducted in Sri Lankan context in a perspective of Law  was also discussed by addressing the rights of the defined community.

Coming to the terms of new reality, the selected community was empowered to become their own advocate.  Indeed, Sahurdha Manudhama emphasized that a disability can take away many aspects of the identity , leaving you questioning who you are, what your value is and where you fit in the society by renewing the sense of meaning and purpose.


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