Plant a Hope 5.0 Phase 01

The first phase of project Plant a Hope was conducted successfully as a tree planting social media campaign. This project was initiated by aiming environmental conservation, spreading awareness of Sri Lankan community and taking prevention action towards global warming for the public.

The first phase was conducted through social media platforms. We could reach large number of audience through social media platforms. Large number of audience took hand with the project by sending us photographs of planting trees and they shared their thoughts about the importance of tree planting thereby inviting others to take hand with the project as well. We were able to motivate people to plant trees through the social media campaign and to create awareness among the society.

When considering todays society people live according to a tight schedule and they do not have enough time to move with the environment. But they always stay connected with social media and they follow up social media trends. When considering about the society nowadays there is a trend of refraining from harming environment and loving and caring environment. This trend made a huge impact on society and was helpful for the first phase of project Plant a Hope too.  


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